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How do you care for a diamond sharpening stone?

Views: 42     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-26      Origin: Site

Please wash DIAMOND SHARPENING STONE by water and clean its stain by nylon brush. Then you can wipe it by a cloth and dry it with a wind dryer. If some slight stain available, you can use rubber to remove it. After that you can have it put into a plastic bag to keep it in a dry place.

Cleaning block maintains bench stone

Cleaning block maintains bench diamond sharpening stone

How do you care for a diamond sharpening stone?

You can wipe it by a cloth and dry it with a wind dryer

Caring for a diamond sharpening stone involves several steps to ensure it remains effective and lasts a long time. Here are some guidelines:

1. Cleaning After Use

Rinse with Water:

After each use, rinse the stone with water to remove any metal filings and debris.

Scrub Gently:

Use a soft brush, like a toothbrush, to gently scrub the surface if there are stubborn particles.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals:

Do not use harsh chemicals or detergents, as these can damage the stone.

2. Drying

Air Dry:

Allow the stone to air dry completely before storing it. This prevents any moisture from causing rust on the metal surface.

Towel Dry:

You can also use a lint-free towel to gently pat the stone dry.

3. Storage

Protective Case:

Store the stone in its protective case or a dry, dust-free environment to prevent contamination.

Avoid Humid Places:

Keep the stone in a low-humidity environment to prevent rust and corrosion.

4. Usage Tips

Use with Light Pressure:

Apply light pressure when sharpening to avoid wearing out the diamond surface too quickly.

Lubricant Use:

Although not always necessary, some users prefer to use a light oil or water as a lubricant while sharpening. Check the manufacturer's recommendations for your specific stone.

5. Regular Maintenance


Diamond stones usually don’t require flattening as often as other types of stones, but if you notice uneven wear, you can use a lapping plate to flatten it.

Inspect for Damage:

Regularly inspect the stone for any signs of damage or uneven wear and address any issues promptly.

6. Avoid Contaminants

No Harsh Abrasives:

Avoid using harsh abrasives that can scratch or damage the diamond surface.

Dedicated Tools:

Use the stone only for sharpening tools and knives, not for other purposes that could contaminate or damage the surface.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your diamond sharpening stone remains in good condition and provides optimal performance for a long time.

Advantages of diamond sharpening stone

Diamond sharpening stones offer several advantages over other types of sharpening stones. Here are the key benefits:

Durability and Longevity


Diamond is the hardest known material, which makes diamond stones extremely durable and long-lasting.

Resistant to Wear:

They are less likely to wear out or develop uneven surfaces over time, maintaining their flatness and effectiveness.

Efficiency and Speed

Fast Sharpening:

Diamond stones cut very quickly, allowing for rapid sharpening of even the hardest steels.

Less Effort:

Less pressure and fewer strokes are needed to achieve a sharp edge, saving time and effort.

Consistency and Precision

Uniform Grit:

The diamond abrasive provides a consistent grit size, leading to more precise and predictable sharpening results.

Flat Surface:

They maintain a flat surface, ensuring even sharpening across the entire blade.


Variety of Materials:

Diamond stones can sharpen a wide range of materials, including high-carbon steel, stainless steel, ceramic, and carbide.

Multiple Grits:

Available in various grit sizes, from coarse to fine, allowing for everything from initial shaping to final honing.

Maintenance and Care

Low Maintenance:

They require minimal maintenance compared to water stones or oil stones. They don't need to be soaked before use and are easy to clean.

No Flattening Required:

Unlike other types of stones that need regular flattening, diamond stones generally retain their flatness over time.

Ease of Use

Dry or Wet Use:

Can be used dry or with water or oil as a lubricant, depending on personal preference and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Quick Setup:

Ready to use immediately without the need for soaking or extensive preparation.


Lightweight and Compact:

Often more compact and lighter than traditional stones, making them easier to transport and store.

Integrated Bases:

Many diamond stones come with integrated bases or non-slip mats, adding to their convenience and ease of use.


Reduced Risk of Contamination:

Less likely to harbor contaminants that can transfer to your blade, especially when used dry or with water.

Minimal Slurry:

Produces less slurry (abrasive paste) compared to other stones, which can make for a cleaner and safer working environment.

The advantages of diamond sharpening stones — durability, efficiency, consistency, versatility, low maintenance, ease of use, portability, and safety—make them an excellent choice for both professional and home sharpening needs. Their ability to handle a variety of materials and maintain their performance over time makes them a valuable tool in any sharpening kit.

Use the whetstone need to pay attention to the point

When using a whetstone for sharpening, it's important to pay attention to several key points to ensure effective and safe sharpening. Here are the main considerations:


Soak the Whetstone:

If using a water stone, soak it in water for about 10-15 minutes before use. Some oil stones might need oil application instead.

Stabilize the Stone: 

Place the whetstone on a non-slip surface or use a stone holder to prevent it from moving during sharpening.

Sharpening Technique

Angle Consistency:

Maintain a consistent angle (typically 15-20 degrees for kitchen knives) throughout the sharpening process. This ensures an even and sharp edge.

Use the Entire Stone: 

Move the blade across the entire surface of the stone to prevent uneven wear and to make full use of the stone.


Apply even, moderate pressure. Excessive force can damage the blade or the stone.


Water or Oil: 

Use the appropriate lubricant for your whetstone (water for water stones, oil for oil stones). Keep the stone wet throughout the sharpening process to prevent metal filings from clogging the surface.

Sharpening Strokes


Use smooth, controlled strokes, moving the blade from the heel to the tip across the stone.

Alternate Sides:

Sharpen both sides of the blade evenly to maintain a symmetrical edge. Alternate sides every few strokes.

Edge Checking

Burr Formation: 

Check for a burr (a small fold of metal) on the edge, which indicates that you have sharpened sufficiently. Feel for the burr with your fingers.

Sharpness Test: 

Test the blade's sharpness periodically. Methods include slicing through paper or gently testing with your thumb (carefully).


Rinse the Stone: 

Clean the whetstone periodically during use to remove metal filings and slurry.

Post-Sharpening Clean: 

After sharpening, rinse the stone thoroughly and allow it to dry before storing.

Safety Precautions

Hand Safety: 

Keep your fingers away from the blade's edge. Use a consistent and safe grip on the blade.

Stable Environment: 

Ensure your work area is stable and well-lit to avoid accidents.


Flatten the Stone: 

Over time, whetstones can become uneven. Flatten the stone regularly using a lapping plate or a flattening stone to maintain a flat surface.


Store the whetstone in a dry place to prevent mold and deterioration. If it's a water stone, ensure it's completely dry before storing.

By paying attention to these points, you can ensure that your whetstone remains effective and that your sharpening process is both efficient and safe. Consistent practice and care will lead to better results and longer-lasting tools.

Consult Your Diamond Sharpening Stone Experts

We help you avoid the pitfalls to deliver the quality and value your fo need, on-time and on-budget.

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   No.1 bridge, LuxiIndustrial Zone,
Niu Tang Town,Wu jin District,
Changzhou City,Jiangsu Province, China.



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